Digital Leadership: The Ultimate Guide

This eBook will guide you, as the Digital Leader, through all phases of your organization’s Digital Journey. Each phase offers tools for success in: Leadership Culture, Organizational Readiness, Managing the Digital Journey, and Digital Maturity and continued Digital Optimization.

As the Digital Leader, you are the Catalyst driving change along the Digital Journey.

Digital Leadership is a mindset, driven by an appointed individual, leading a culture shift to change the way the organization thinks about service delivery, supplier relations, and the customer experience.  The selected individual must act as the digital agent of change for the business across all departments and business functions.  The digital leader must ensure the organization can flexibly adapt systems and processes to support new and evolving ways of working.

Being an effective leader means being innovative, collaborative, experimental, and forward thinking.

A successful leader will transform the culture, develop a transformation roadmap, determine organizational readiness for change, execute the transformation, and continue the journey through optimization.

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Master digital leadership with our ultimate guide, featuring essential strategies and tools for success.

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'The Ultimate Guide: Taking Charge of the Digital Journey' ebook cover

Leadership Culture: The Spark that Leads to Great Change

The Pressure for Digital Leadership

The desire to appoint a Digital Leader can develop from a demand inside the organization, as in forward thinking leaders and early adopters of new technologies. The pressure could also come from the outside; like changing supplier demands, or a shift in customer expectations.

The source of the spark dictates initial steps of defining Digital Leadership inside your organization. Understanding the source will help you determine the most effective means to initiate a mindset shift, and will likely give insight into how to avoid pitfalls. If the spark originates internally, it probably means you have a Natural Digital Leader on the inside that is eager to transform the culture, processes, and business strategies. If the spark originates outside, it’s likely due to external pressure from suppliers or customers; the organization will need to designate a Digital Leader to organize the response.

Wherever it originates, chances are the demand for strong digital leadership is palpable today.

Becoming an Effective Digital Leader

Becoming an effective Digital Leader is not a “set it and forget it” task, it’s a continuous push; always encouraging the team to challenge the status quo. Successful digital leaders place high value on communication, creativity, and a willingness to challenge processes. They explore new ways of leveraging technology and analytics to better support customers and suppliers, while securing their own environment.

Although real change starts with the Digital Leader, transformation is successful because of the culture shift of voices inside the business. Taking these five important steps will ensure an effective Digital Leader is at the helm of your digital journey:

  1. Reframe your perspective
  2. Define your mindset
  3. Change your brain monologue
  4. Reinforce the new mindset
  5. Amplify behaviours with experiential learning
5 Steps to Becoming an Effective Digital Leader

Digital Leader role Defined: Leading a Culture Shift

As an influential Digital Leader, you will implement internal communication processes that challenge traditional hierarchal collaboration roadblocks. You lead by your actions. You strive to be innovative, creative, collaborative, experimental, and curious, with a passion to network with peers, colleagues, and industry leaders. Digital leaders possess an agile mindset, and are more interested in being viewed as curious as opposed to an expert. The culture shift begins when the leader empowers multiple department heads, champions collaboration, and encourages teams to challenge current processes. When department heads use collaborative tools to discuss and challenge data analytics, they allow curiosity and agility to lead change and ultimately drive the business to transform.

Are you a Natural Digital Leader?

Now that we’ve covered the need for Digital Leadership, how to become one, and how this leader affects change and a culture shift to begin Digital Transformation, it’s time to determine if you’re the natural fit for the Digital Leader role.

Asking 17 identifying questions, this assessment tool will define your leadership skills, and identify qualities to improve. Assess Yourself Now.

As your organization’s well-rounded Digital Leader, it is your role to oversee the launch, completion, and optimization of your company’s Digital Transformation.

Organizational Readiness

Transformation will happen. Are you ready?

Be Ready to Fail Fast.

How will you know when your company is ready for a Digital Transformation? What are the telltale signs and identifiers? Two major factors are your organization’s appetite for transformation and its speed tolerance for change and adaptation.

How can you assess your organization for these factors? We have established Six Key Tasks that will define your readiness to fail fast through digital transformation. Inside the Organizational Readiness Worksheet we dive into the many details inside these overarching tasks, and provide guidance on how to identify the appetite for transformation and speed threshold. Understanding thresholds and appetite will help you prioritize which areas of the business to tackle first

What's inside the Org Readiness Worksheet?

Business Drivers. What is the driving force pushing this transformation? Is it internal or external? Is it driven by productivity or vulnerability? What does that force have to do with your finances?

Resourcing. What are the organization’s current resource, skills, and competencies? What is the bandwidth for execution? What is the bandwidth for learning? How will these changes affect their day to day? The worksheet asks five critical probing questions on resourcing.

Current State. Use the chart to assess key areas of the business. How should they change? If changed, what is the expected impact?

Qualitative Impact. Measuring success beyond the numbers. This section of the worksheet asks three questions to analyze the qualitative impact of the proposed transformation strategy.

Emerging Technologies. Complete this chart to identify emerging technologies and define the role they may play in transforming business models and organizational processes.

Planning Strategies. Now its time to build the plan to deploy the chosen transformation strategies. Make sure to follow these six steps to avoid common pitfalls when starting your Digital Journey.

Managing the Digital Journey: Tips from an Expert

What's in a (Digital) Journey

Its a team effort to execute a successful digital transformation, and transformations are successfully executed over time. The Digital Journey is a process of concurrent steps including: the planning stages of a digital strategy, initiating and instilling a culture shift, planning and financing the transformation, and defining KPIs to measure to define whether the transformation was successful.

The key component in this journey, however, is the ability and the willingness to test and iterate. Consider using the Design Thinking methodology. This methodology encourages iterating at every stage of the process.

Interview with a Digital Transformation Expert

Next Dimension compiled a list of the top questions business leaders have been asking about the Digital Journey. Together, with Cisco, we touched on all phases of the transformation; from defining the leader, to planning and financing, through to the successful execution and optimization. The full interview is available as an eBook, and the video is available here.

Who is our Expert?

Kevin Yarnell hails from Cisco, and he works with the Digital Transformation team that oversees healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics. His dedicated portfolio is hospitality, travel, and tourism.

12 Questions with a Digital Transformation Expert
'12 Questions with a Digital Transformation Expert' ebook cover

Validating the Strategy against Best Practice

The well crafted strategy is almost ready to launch.

Your entire team has worked hard, challenging many traditional ideas and processes, and you are just about ready to launch your transformative Digital Strategy. Have you considered every implication to your business? What about the implications to technology, or impacts to innovations that are scheduled for deployment later in your strategic plan?

Having a partner like Next Dimension audit and validate the plan, and provide expertise on managing the roadmap will ensure your business moves from Digital Transformation to Digital Optimization smoothly. The Best Practice Analysis is a fee-free service, available to those that are serious about making great change.

Begin Your Transformation

Digital Optimization: The Difference between Digital Maturity and Optimization

Digital Maturity and Digital Optimization: What's the Difference?

The definition of Digital Maturity points to how well companies adapt to a digital business environment. How well does your organization recognize the need for change? Have they executed a digital transformation strategy that defines new approaches?

Once digital maturity is achieved, the continuous effort of Digital Optimization must begin. Digital Optimization is the process of using digital technology to continuously improve existing operating processes and business models.

How does Next Dimension Support Digital Maturity?

You know your business. Having a strategic partner you can trust will validate industry best practices, and keep a keen eye on innovations and ever evolving vulnerabilities. Our proven framework (Digital Optimization Plan on the next page) will support digital maturity through:

  • Aligning technology’s role in the business strategy
  • Analysis to identify risks and gaps slowing the transformation
  • Road-mapping as a platform to prioritize high value actions
  • Project management and operational support
  • Annual planning cycle continuing to support the business

Achieving Digital Alignment

The organization is digitally optimized once there’s a process in place to continuously align: structure, people, culture, and tasks.

What does Digital Maturity Mean for your Organization?

Digital Maturity is achieved through continuous optimization of your organization against industry trends and best practices. Do you know how digitally mature your business is? Take a look at the Digital Maturity snapshot below.

Ask every leader inside the organization these questions:

  1. Have you transformed in these key areas?
  2. Do you leverage these concepts?
Let's Make a Plan

Framework & Management Strategy

So you've completed your Digital Transformation. Now what?

First of all, congratulate yourself and your team! Reaching this point is no easy feat. You’ve defined your Digital Leader, taken your entire organization through a Culture Shift, assessed your organization’s short and long term appetite for digital disruption, managed the twists and turns of the digital journey, and are ready to instill a winning formula for Digital Optimization.

Digital Optimization Plan: The Framework

Our comprehensive Digital Optimization Plan expands on these six steps, following a proven, repeatable process for continuous optimization focused on innovation, information security, and operational efficiency.

  1. Assess current state of Digital Maturity
  2. Identify opportunities and define the vision
  3. Prioritize capabilities to enhance based on business objectives
  4. Assess impact to digital maturity of the initiatives on a roadmap
  5. Project management and support to achieve goals
  6. Annual planning cycle to evaluate process improvement

Management Strategy: The Roadmap

The final piece to this ongoing success plan is defining the management strategy. Who will manage this plan? After all, you’ve got a business to run. Leverage a well designed IT Roadmap as a proven framework to achieve Digital Optimization. The roadmap is a platform that ensures digital alignment, status transparency, and increased confidence among employees. Increased confidence will boost morale and promote the culture shift.

Let's Build Your Roadmap

Digital Transformation Toolkit

We’ve compiled all the tools available in this eBook and listed them here for quick access. Whether you’re just starting your Digital Journey or are mastering Optimization, there are resources to help your organization along the way. Clickable links are embedded throughout this Ultimate Guide and captured below.

Are you a Natural Digital Leader?

5 Steps to Becoming an Effective Digital Leader

Disruption is Happening. Is the Business Ready?

12 Questions with a Digital Transformation Expert

Validate the Digital Strategy Against Best Practice

Continuing to Adapt, Compete, and Win.